hominid corridor research project


Bibliography related to HCRP research

Betzler, C. & Ring, U. (1995): Sedimentology of the Malawi Rift: Facies and stratigraphy of the Chi-wondo Beds, northern Malawi. J. Hum. Evol. 28: 23-35.

Betzler, C., Bromage, T.G., Gorthner, A., Ring, U., Schrenk, F. (1992): Paleobiogeographical impor-tance and paleoanthropology of the Malawi Rift. Am. J. Physical Anthrop. Suppl. 14:49.

Betzler, C., Ring, U., Schrenk, F. & Bromage, T.G. (1993): Plio/Plistocene nearshore lacustrine record of Lake Malawi (East Africa). Geo. Res. NE Africa, pp. 323 - 326. Balkema.

Bromage, T. G. & Schrenk, F. (1987): A cercopithecoid tooth from the Pliocene in Malawi. - J. Hum. Evol. 15:497-500.

Bromage, T. G., Schrenk, F. & Kaufulu, Z. M. (1985): Plio-Pleistocene deposits in Malawi's Ho-minid Corridor. - National Geographic Society Research Report 21: 51-52.

Bromage, T.G. & Schrenk, F. (1995): Biogeographic and climatic basis for a narrative of early homi-nid evolution. J. Hum. Evol. 28: 109-114.

Bromage, T.G., Schrenk, F. & Juwayeyi, Y.M. (1995): Palaeobiogeography of the Malawi Rift: Age and vertebrate palaeontology of the Chiwondo Beds, northern Malawi. J. hum. Evol. 28:37-57.

Bromage, T.G., Schrenk, F. & Zonneveld, F. (1995): Paleoanthropology of the Malawi Rift: An early hominid mandible from the Chiwondo Beds, northern Malawi. J. Hum. Evol. 28: 71-108.

Crossley, R. & Crow, M. J. (1980): Geodynamic evolution of the Afro-Arabian Rift System. - Aca-demia Nazionale Dei Linzei 47:77-87.

Dixey, F. (1927): The Tertiary and Post-Tertiary lacustrine sediments of the Nyasa Rift Valley. - Quaterly Journal of the Geological Society 83:432-445.

Ebinger, C.J., Deino, A.L., Tesha, A.L., Becker, T. & Ring, U. (1993): Tectonic controls of rift basin morphology: Evolution of the Northern Malawi (Nyasa) Rift. - J. Geophys. Res. 98(B 10):17821-17836.

Gorthner, A. (1995): Stratigraphical and ecological implications from molluscs of the Chiwondo Beds (Plio-Pleistocene/ Malawi). Neues Jahrb. Geol. Paläont., Monatshefte, im Druck.

Gorthner, A., Schrenk, F., Bromage, T.G., & Ring, U (1992): Evolution and palaeoecology of the Ma-lawi Rift (Central Africa). - Occasional Papers of the Malawi Department of Antiquities 1:23-43.

Kaufulu, Z. M., Vrba, E. S. & White, T. D. (1981): Age of the Chiwondo Beds, northern Malawi. - Annals of the Transvaal Museum 33:1-8.

Ring, U. & Betzler, C. (1992): Normal versus strike-slip faulting during rift development in East Af-rica: The Malawi Rift. - Geology 20, 1015-1018.

Ring, U. & Betzler, C. (1993): Architecture, kinematics and sedimentology of the Malawi Rift (East Africa). - Z. Deutsche Geol. Ges. 144:30-44.

Ring, U. & Betzler, C. (1995). Kinematic and tectonosedimentary evolution of the Northern Malawi Rift, J. Hum. Evol. 28:7-21.

Ring, U. (1993): Aspects of the kinematic history and mechanisms of superposition of the Proterozoic mobile belts of eastern Central Africa (northern Malawi and southern Tanzania). Precambri-an Research 62: 207-226.

Ring, U., Betzler, C., Bromage, T.G., Schrenk, F. & Gorthner, A. (1992): Tektonik und Kinematik des Malawi-Rifts (Ostafrika). Frankfurter Geowiss. Arbeiten Serie A, 11: 293-294.

Schrenk, F. & Bromage, T. G. (1986): Evidence of Late Pliocene Papio from Malawi, Central Africa. - Primate Report 14:52.

Schrenk, F. (1986): Palaeontology of the Chiwondo Beds (northern Malawi). - In: The lon-gest Re-cord, Berkeley, S. 42.
Schrenk, F. (1990): Der Hominiden-Korridor in Zentralafrika - Ein interdisziplinäres Forschungspro-jekt in Malawi. Informationen aus dem Hessischen Landesmuseum Darmstadt, 2/90:23-26.

Schrenk, F. (1991): Erster Urmenschenfund aus Malawi. Informationen aus dem Hessischen Lan-desmuseum Darmstadt, 2/91:39-40.

Schrenk, F., Bromage, T.G., Betzler, C. & Ring, U. (1993): The Malawi Rift and vertebrate palaeobio-geography of the African Rift Valley. In (Thorweihe, U. & Schandelmeier, H., Eds): Geosci-entific Research in Northeast Africa, pp. 471 - 474. Rotterdam: Balkema.

Schrenk, F., Bromage, T.G., Betzler, C.G., Ring, U. & Juwayeyi, Y. (1993): Oldest Homo and Plio-cene biogeography of the Malawi Rift. Nature 365:833-836.

Schrenk, F., Bromage, T.G., Gorthner, A. & Ring, U. (1992): Evolution and palaeoecology of the Ma-lawi Rift (Central Africa). - Occasional Papers of the Malawi Department of Antiquities 1:23-43.

Schrenk, F., Bromage, T.G., Gorthner, A. & Sandrock, O. (1995): Paleoecology of the Malawi-Rift: Vertebrate and invertebrate faunal contexts of the Chiwondo-Beds, northern Malawi. - J. Hum. Evol. 28: 59-70.

Schrenk, F., Kullmer, O., Sandrock, O., & Kaiser, T. (in Vorb.): The Mammalian Fauna of the Chi-wondo-Beds, Plio-Pleistocene, Northern Malawi.

Schrenk, F. & Bromage, T. G. (1989): Renewed Paleontological Research on the Chiwondo Beds of Northern Malawi: HCRP Field Report, 1988.

Schrenk, F., Kaufulu, Z. M. & Bromage, T. G. (1985): Geology and Paleontology of Plio-Pleisto-cene Deposits (Chiwondo-Beds) between the North Rukuru and Remero Rivers, Northern Malawi: HCRP Field Report, 1984.

Wolf, M. (1989): Erste Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen der fossilen und rezenten Mulluskenbio-zönosen des Lake Malawi im Rahmen des Hominid Corridor Research Project